New (Year) blog

It’s been more than a year since I last wrote, and my life has changed so much.

In this time I’ve ended one relationship and started another; moved country, started a new job and then gained a promotion in that organisation.

I’ve considered what I need in my life and readopted the faith I grew up in. More particularly I’ve followed my Grandfather’s faith of birth and completed the Ritual of Christian Initiation as an Adult at the Catholic Church I attend with my partner, Fiona. I have specific theological and liturgical reasons for choosing this church, but this isn’t the place for that discussion. We have a cool Pope, though.

The biggest change is yet to come. On or around the date of July 11th, I’ll become a father for the first time. This will be the fulfillment of a lifelong dream for me – those of you who know me as a longtime children’s librarian will understand the connection I have with children.

I know this is a change that will test Fi and I utterly, and if I’m honest I have to admit I have no idea if we’re ready, whatever “ready” is.

I do know our child will be born to loving parents who also love each other. We’re surrounded by a community of family and friends that will be there to help.

Ready? I’m eager. Now, if we can just get through the next bout of morning sickness…

About seanmurgatroyd
@seanfish Husband of @FiFYI Father of Rosie Librarian Musician Writer

7 Responses to New (Year) blog

  1. Peter Lewis says:

    good luck with the big adventure ahead! No-one is ever truly ‘ready’ but it brings out the best in you šŸ™‚

  2. Sheryl says:

    No fairy dust from me Sean – it is a hard slog and it goes on for the rest of your life but the ups outweigh the downs – so pleased for you.

  3. Penny says:

    You already know you have my congratulations and best wishes for all the new/old beginnings. šŸ™‚
    Also, it’s a bit of cliche but the saying that “being a parent is like having your heart walking around outside your body” is one I’ve found to be true. It’s probably the most challenging (good and bad) thing you’ll ever do, no one is ever “ready” but it can be done. The help of friends and family and the grace of God will be a support for both you and Fiona. And the joys are truly joyful.

  4. Fiona Martin says:

    Congratulations Sean and Fi, what a wonderful new adventure parenthood will be, and I do think that being older and wiser :):):) gives a perspective and a patience that one doesn’t have in one’s twenties, and the joys outweigh the stresses a million per cent. Do pop in and see us if you’re up this way, would be great to have a catch-up. All the very best to you both for 2014!

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